How Sale Leasebacks Provide Restaurant Owners With Capital to Grow

May 29, 2024 - SLB Capital Advisors provided insights to Nation's Restaurant News related to the sale leaseback market and applicability to restaurant operators

How Sale Leasebacks Provide Restaurant Owners With Capital to Grow

May 28, 2024 – SLB Capital Advisors provided insights related to the sale leaseback market and applicability to restaurant operators

  • For restaurant owners considering a sale leaseback, it’s important to understand that, at their core, sale leasebacks are a credit-driven transaction. The buyer of the property is looking for a long (and uninterrupted) stream of rental income. As a result, sale leaseback investors conduct standard credit analysis to determine the seller’s ability to service lease payments over the course of the lease.
  • A sale leaseback is generally always below a company’s weighted average cost of capital and therefore makes sense to consider. The increase in traditional debt financing rates that have occurred over the last 18-24 months makes the sale leaseback an even more attractive financing solution, given it prices below many companies’ cost of traditional debt
  • The restaurant industry requires owners/operators to use all resources at their disposal to continue to be competitive. Monetizing owned facilities can provide a cost-efficient source of capital to help them continue to grow.
  • Read the full article here